Art Attack


When I was a child  the TV broadcasted many cartoons, but not many programs for children. Even so, I remember one which I  enden loving it, is probably the only one I whatched during my childhood, it is art attack,  it addresses basically to reuse the things of the hause, for example bottles, cardboard, and newspaper to make beautiful things for airplanes, pencil case, flowerpot stand and many others funny things. This program was hosted by the deceased Rui Torres,  it was broadcast on Saturday  mornings  after the cartoons , I liked it very much so I woke all the Saturday at 8 AM to wacth TV. I liked it because the ideas were simple and entertaining under the motto “you don't need to be an expert to be a great artist”.

 In each episode there was a scene where a guy made figures on the floor with different objects, sometimes he did them with salt, others with cloth, or with pieces of plastic, whatever, the things was that the creations were very large and you didn't know what figure it was until he finished making it and they showed an aerial photo where the entire figure was seen. 

I loved to watch art attack, I always tried to imitate the things that Rui did but most of the time they were factual, I must admit that I could never do the “special paste” well and most of my works of art were left in the trash. Art attack left me beautiful memories, I have always liked art a lot and I have been frustrated since I was little for not being able to draw like great artists, but watching art attack and hearing that you don't need to be an expert to be a great artist. Motivation came back to me, I really felt a great artist when I imitated Rui's Works.



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