
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

My future job

The ideal job for me would be anyone that allows me to travel and see many places in the world. I imagine myself living a couple of years in one country and then go to another, work outdoors, in the field. I really like manual work, I like to do things that require some physical work. I am currently studying forestry engineering, I do not even know in which area to specialize, perhaps I will do it in the area of ​​forest fires, it is a very interesting subject and with many things to investigate. I would like to work in research and be able to travel to different places

A person I would like to meat

  As a child I had many "idols" or references and the reasons for my admiration are very diverse. Some of them are Saul Hudson (Slash) for his incredible talent with the guitar, Kim Bendix Petersen (King Diamond) for his rare and incredible voice and also his genius in composing music, he revolutionized heavy metal with his concept albums which tell horror stories.  Jorge Gonzales also comes to mind, who is undoubtedly another person that I would love to meet, his strong and direct lyrics still seem admirable to have been written in times of dictatorship. Many other names come to mind, such as Megan Fox (For her beauty), Leonardo Di Caprio (For his incredible talent as an actor), Billie Joe Armstrong (for his pop-punk style which I liked and imitated in my adolescence ), Robert Downey Jr (only if he is in the iron man suit) and many others. But on second thought, the person I would most like to meet and for whom I would pay a lot of money is Ronaldinho, I would love to see hi...

Art Attack

  When I was a child   the TV broadcasted many cartoons, but not many programs for children. Even so, I remember one which I  enden loving it, is probably the only one I whatched during my childhood, it is art attack,   it addresses basically to reuse the things of the hause, for example bottles, cardboard, and newspaper to make beautiful things for airplanes, pencil case, flowerpot stand and many others funny things. This program was hosted by the deceased Rui Torres,   it was broadcast on Saturday  mornings  after the cartoons , I liked it very much so I woke all the Saturday at 8 AM to wacth TV. I liked it because the ideas were simple and entertaining under the motto “you don't need to be an expert to be a great artist”.  In each episode there was a scene where a guy made figures on the floor with different objects, sometimes he did them with salt, others with cloth, or with pieces of plastic, whatever, the things was that the creations were ...