The best concert

If someone asks me for a concert… definitely the best is Slayer in 2017, at the “Movistar Arena”. Since I was a child I have liked rock music and metal. Slayer came to Chile on other occasions but I was too young and had no one take me to the concert, and my parents didn`t like that kind of music and they hated that I listened to that kind of genre because they said it was satanic . In 2017 when i was 18 years old olso or so I went alone, none of friends since I was not going to pay for go to see them. I had a great time, in that occasion, tha played their last álbum “repentless”, even then at the end of concert they played favourite songs of the fans, as “Raining blood” , “South of heaven” and “ángel of death”. I Remember my shoes were very dirty because of the footsteps of the people, my clothes were a little torn a little and I got some bruises because of the “mosh”, but definitely it was the best con...