Hello how are you? Today I will talk about the subject that I liked the most this semester. Its name is "silviculture and forest management". The classes are composed in blocks of approximately 45 minutes, where the teacher on duty explains to us first, general aspects of the type of forest that we will study and then explains the existing silvicultural methods recommended for it. Broadly speaking, forestry is the (cutting) interventions carried out on a forest in order to increase its production, promote regeneration or simply keep the species present. The classes are carried out by 4 teachers, their names are; Antonio Vitas, Gustavo Cruz, Horacio Bown and Sergio Donoso. Within what I learned in this subject, what I liked the most is the silvivulture of native forests, although the teachers tell us that there is a lack of research in this regard, the little information that currently exists is quite solid and motivates me to internalize the subject. In addition, in order to...